I was bow hunting a place that we call the "fingers swamp". At one time it was thick with deer and bear were also a commonly seen during a hunt. On this hunt though the deer were few but coyote tracks were everywhere.

I was still-hunting just about sunset when a young buck crossed my path. Just when it looked like everything was going good the wind changed and he was onto me. I guess I was desperate because the only clear shot I had was at his head and I took it. He dropped like a ton of bricks and just layed there with my arrow sticking out the side of his head. I wanted to bleed him so I punctured his juggler vein with my knife and bleed he did. It was like a fountain. As his blood pressure dropped to almost nothing he suddenly woke up and came to his feet. I couldn't believe it. It was like seeing a ghost or zombie and I ran behind the nearest tree as I nocked another arrow.

As I stepped out to take the shot he collapsed and then went into a death run on his side right in the big puddle of blood. Eventually he just layed there dead. While all this was going on I could hear coyotes calling to each other for their evening rendevous.

I drug him out of the bloody area and began to field dress him before the twilight faded. I was still hearing coyotes calling near and far. Suddenly I heard movement in the ferns and ground cover just behind me. I realize coyotes shy away from humans but there was deer blood everywhere. Even on me and I was on my knees cutting open a deer. I could smell it and I know they could.

I quickly stood up, turned around and surprised over a half dozen coyotes that where within 20-25 feet of me. My heart just about burst as I saw how close they where and all I had was a knife in my hand. The bow hung on a branch just out of reach. I was releaved to see them all turn and run but it made me too nervous to finish the deer without backup. Besides it was starting to become too dark to see. I radioed my brother-in-law and told him to come give me a hand when he got out of his stand. He asked if i had heard all the coyotes. Well, yes, I did.
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DreamCatcher Outdoor Adventure Stories
Coyotes, Bucks and Bears, oh my.
By Steve Schrader
The Author with the head shot buck
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As I stood by the deer in the dark waiting for him to come assist me another creature had discovered the smell of blood. I could hear it sniffing around and in the dim light I could just make out the shape of a single black bear only about 10 yards away. I checked that my knife was handy in it's sheath and then my fingers confirmed the arrow was still nocked and found their places on the string.  Again the heart rate climbed and I became uneasy.

Suddenly it turned and ran off and I saw the light of my brother-in-laws flashlight coming through the woods. Wow, what a hunt, but this is what it is all about. Although not a trophy buck I saved the skull with the broadhead still inside just to remember this hunt.